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OLLI trans is taking part in InterTraffic Amsterdam 2016. From the perspective of Intertraffic, we see an increasing shift from low to high-tech (ITS) solutions. Exhibitors from the segments Parking, Infrastructure and Safety are gradually moving towards the Traffic Management and Smart Mobility segments. Furthermore, we see an evolution from mobility products to mobility services, resulting in a comprehensive mobility package that better responds to the needs of people who increasingly plan their trips online. As an exhibition, Intertraffic responds to the needs of public authorities as well as the private sector and travellers.
Who is Exhibitors ?
Manufacturers, importers and local agents for products in the field of mobility solutions in the segments Smart Mobility, Infrastructure, Traffic Management, Safety and Parking
National, regional & local authorities (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Directorate-General of Public Works and Water Management, provinces, smart cities)
Cross-sector trade associations in the field of mobility
Research organisations (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Road Safety Research Institute (SWOV), universities and colleges
LIVE translation from stand provided with OLLI Trans: